Personal Contact Purchase Representative example | Swift 1.2 Mild Hybrid Motion |
24 Monthly Payments | £119.00 |
On the Road Cash Price | £18,699.00 |
Optional Final payment | £11,295.00 |
Customer Deposit | £4,548 |
Amount of Credit | £14,151.00 |
Purchase Fee * | £0 |
Rate of Interest (Fixed) | 0.00% |
Duration of Agreement | 25 months |
Total Amount Payable | £18,699.00 |
Representative APR | 0% |
Annual Mileage | 8,000 |
Excess Mileage Charge (per mile) | 4.8p |
Suzuki Business Contract Hire example | |
Model | Swift Motion Manual |
36 Monthly Payments | £145.00 |
Initial Rental | £1,305.00 |
Duration of Agreement | 36 months |
Based on an annual mileage | 6,000 miles pa |
Buy your Suzuki with even more confidence than ever before with our 14 day return guarantee.
We're sure you'll love your new Suzuki, but we understand that finding the perfect car is a journey - and it's one that we're on board with. That's why we're proud to guarantee that if you decide that your new Suzuki doesn't quite fit your needs, then you'll be able to simply return it to your dealer.
Find out more in our full terms and conditions at the bottom of this page.
Here at Lanehouse we do offer Nationwide delivery, the first 10 miles are free of charge but there after we charge £2 per mile. Delivery can either be driven or by transporter, for more information on this please contact one of our sales team.
Section 1: 14-Day Return Guarantee
Section 2: Your Right of Withdrawal: where you have entered into a finance agreement to pay for the car